If you are playing Once Human and want to find the Frost Tactical Vest, this guide is for you. The Frost Tactical Vest is an important piece of armor that helps you stay safe and strong in the game. This guide will show you, step-by-step where to find the Frost Tactical Vest and how to get it. Let’s get started!
Before you start looking for the Frost Tactical Vest, it helps to know why it is important. The Frost Tactical Vest gives your character extra protection from enemies. It also has special abilities that can help you in battle. Knowing how useful this vest is will make you want to find it even more.
Before you go on your adventure, make sure you are ready. Check your supplies and gather some health packs and weapons. You might meet enemies while searching, and having the right gear will help you fight them off. Make sure you have everything you need in your bag for the journey ahead.
Where To Find The Frost Tactical Vest

The first big step in finding the Frost Tactical Vest is to locate the 73 Source Extraction Point. This place is very important because it has the Mystical Box that contains the plans for the vest. Open your map and look for the markers that show where the extraction points are. Once you find the 73 Source Extraction Point, head there quickly.
When you arrive at the 73 Source Extraction Point, you will see the Mystical Box. To unlock this box, you need to interact with it. Make sure you have completed any tasks or missions needed to access the box. Once you unlock it, you will find the blueprints for the Frost Tactical Vest inside.
Now that you have the blueprints for the Frost Tactical Vest, you need to collect the materials to make it. Check the blueprints to see what items you need. Common materials might include metal scraps, fabric, and other things. Explore the nearby areas to find these items. You can get materials by defeating enemies, searching containers, or looking in abandoned buildings.
With all the materials you need, it is time to craft the Frost Tactical Vest. Find a crafting station in the game. This station is usually marked on your map. Interact with the crafting station and select the Frost Tactical Vest from the list of items you can make. Follow the instructions to craft the vest. Once you finish crafting, the vest will appear in your inventory.
Equip The Frost Tactical Vest
Now that you have made the Frost Tactical Vest, it is time to wear it. Open your inventory and find the vest. Click on it to equip it to your character. Wearing the vest will give you extra protection and special abilities that will help you in battles. Check your character’s stats to see how much better you are with the vest on.
After you equip the Frost Tactical Vest, it is a good idea to test it out. Go into the game world and fight some enemies. See how the vest helps you in battle. Notice how much safer you feel and how your abilities improve. Testing the vest will help you understand how to use it to win more fights.
Finding the Frost Tactical Vest in Once Human can make your gameplay much better. By following these steps, you learned where to find the Frost Tactical Vest and how to craft and equip it. Always remember to prepare for your adventures and gather the materials you need. Enjoy the extra protection and abilities that the Frost Tactical Vest gives you. Now go out there and face the challenges in the game with confidence!